My Story

My Journey into Functional Wellness

My journey to becoming a Functional Wellness Pracitioner began in my late twenties. I had always been to ‘go to’ friend for health advice but when I started experiencing hormonal imbalances, auto-immune issues and PMDD my researching increased ten fold

Then burn out hit HARD. It was at this point I knew something had to change in my life and divert my focus and attention to what I am really passionate about in life - women’s health

I decided to formalise my knowledge with an accreditation, I was taught by the amazing tutors at the College of Functional Wellness and I haven’t looked back

What is Functional Wellness?

Wellness is a multi faceted term, it means something different to everyone 

To me, Functional Wellness means focusing on the key areas of health, nutrition and lifestyle and the many, many components within each one to enhance quality of life. For some this may be balancing blood sugars, for others this could be improving gut health - perhaps it’s both!

My aim is to provide each client with the knowledge and empowerment so they can cherry pick the changes that are right for them, their families and their lifestyle

My Passions

My morning routine. Really good coffee. Lifting heavy things! Booking a flight and exploring somewhere new. Being the fun Auntie to all of the babies in my life!