Functional Testing

Ready to invest in your health and remove the guesswork?

Blood tests can be a great option, however other means of testing such as dried urine and saliva tests can provide incredibly insightful and detailed results

The level of detailed provided within functional lab testing can rarely be achieved by blood tests alone. We deserve to know ALL the data on our health, for our current health goals and longevity

Plus, they’re all completed in the privacy of your own home, on your schedule

My passion for testing stems from my own health journey - I would have NEVER made the progress I have made today with blood tests alone

They’re truly my best ever investment ever



Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) really is the ultimate hormone detective! You will gain insights into your sex hormones, their metabolites, Estrogen detoxing, methylation, melatonin as well as your daily cortisol patterns.

It gets better! It also provides organic acid bio-markers to uncover potential nutritional deficiencies, gut dysbiosis and neurotransmitter issues which impact our moods

Ideal for all women and men who want to gain detailed knowledge on their sex hormones, HPA axis (stress) and broader health

How do I test? At home urine and saliva samples on one specific day

Pre-paid package provided for lab return

DUTCH Cycle Mapping


The DUTCH Cycle Mapping provides extensive analysis of hormone levels throughout a single menstrual cycle. The test will show you various graphs of how your sex hormones Estrogen and Progesterone have ebbed and flowed throughout the cycle

Ideal for cycling females who want to understand whether they are ovulating and to optimize fertility

How do I test? At home urine samples taken daily throughout cycle day 7 until end of cycle.

Pre-paid package provided for lab return

Genetic Testing

From £170

Personalised nutrition and lifestyle, specifically tailored for you body? Sounds great, right?!

We are born with our genes however our epigenetics are dependant on our lifestyle. Knowing that we may be genetically pre-disposed to certain health conditions or nutrition deficiencies allows us to embed those into our day to day and take control of our epigenetics as best we can

Think of genes as a loaded gun, well epigenetics (lifestyle) determines whether the gun is fired

Genetic testing only needs to be done once in a lifetime - why not find your personalised roadmap.

We can discuss in session the different types of testing available to suit your needs

GI Map

Price dependent on test required, range £350-£525

Price depending on client need

Add-ons available such as H. Pylori & Zonulin (leaky gut)

The gut test of all gut tests. Often referred to as our second brain, the gut is a detailed masterpiece. The GI map offers insights into potential issues such as overgrowths, parasites, infection, dysbiosis, inflammation, leaky gut and malabsorption of nutrients. Gut issues often all have similar symptoms such as bloating, gas, constipation or diarrhea - the GI maps really do provide you with specific detail to pinpoint issues and resolve.

How do I test? At home stool sample

Pre-paid package provided for lab return



The ultimate nutrition and metabolism test!

Gain insights into any nutritional deficiencies, oxidative stress, metabolic issues, amino acid profile and methylation (amongst may others!)

Ideal for anyone wanting to optimise their health, whether it’s to address a particular health concern, improve their day to day function or to enhance fertility

How do I test? At home urine sample

Pre-paid package provided for lab return

Thyroid Panel


The metabolism master! The Thyroid is a key player in hormone production, release and transport, as well regulates body temperature and controlling metabolism. It really is the jack of all trades!

A complete Thyroid panel will provide you with confirmation of suspected Thyroid disease (hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism) or sub-optimal Thyroid function which can impact metabolism, fertility, skin, weight and hair

How do I test? At home blood spot test

Pre-paid package provided for lab return

Test Packages

  • DUTCH Plus & DUTCH Cycle Mapping - £600

  • DUTCH Plus, GI Map, DNA Health & DNA Estrogen - £945

  • DUTCH Plus, GI Map - £690

  • DUTCH Plus, DNA Health & DNA Estrogen - £575

  • Metabolomix+, GI Map - £705

  • DNA Health & DNA Estrogen - £319

    All prices include delivery and courier pick up

Individual Test Costs

  • DUTCH Plus - £345

  • DUTCH Cycle Mapping - £370

  • GI Testing - £350-£525

  • Elite Thyroid Profile - £230

  • SIBO Breath Test - £180 (Small Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth)

  • Metabolomix+ - £445 (antioxidants, amino acids, nutrients)

    Genetic Testing

  • DNA Core - £275

  • DNA Health - £205

  • DNA Estrogen - £160

  • GrowBaby - £180

    All prices include delivery and courier pick up

Order your tests here:

Please complete the below form if you’re interested in testing - certain individuals may not be suitable so this information is reviewed before ordering for your own peace of mind

Unsure where to start?

Gain tailored advice with an initial consultation which can help identify which testing would work best