The Fertility Fundamentals


Understanding your body to achieve optimal health is the ultimate starting point for any fertility journey

  • Uncover Hidden Issues

    Identify underlying health barriers that could impact fertility

  • Tailored Health Insights

    Get personalised data to optimise your fertility journey

  • Proactive Prevention

    Optimising health can increase chances of successful natural conception or fertility treatment

My aim is to provide women (and men!) with detailed information of their health status via comprehensive functional testing, so that they can be confident of where they are at before or during their fertility journey, whether it be natural or assisted, to provide themselves with reassurance, knowledge and a solid health foundation to maximize their chances of conception

Reproduction is not essential for human survival - the body is very smart and will halt the ability to reproduce when under stress, it’s often the first task the body will pause

However, in our modern day world we are faced with countless stressors every day. From endocrine disrupting chemicals to nutritional deficiencies, there are many hurdles to jump through in the modern day fertility journey

I have witnessed many couples on the heart breaking, frustrating and stressful fertility journey

I’m super passionate about changing this


Prices start from £799

Let’s start your fertility journey!

Packages are tailored to your needs with additional testing if required

Initial consultation required to determine client applicability before proceeding with package

  • Held on zoom

  • Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) really is the ultimate hormone detective! You will gain insights into your sex hormones, their metabolites, Estrogen detoxing, methylation, melatonin as well as your daily cortisol patterns. It gets better! It also provides organic acid bio-markers to uncover potential nutritional deficiencies, gut dysbiosis and neurotransmitter issues which impact our moods.

  • Your results are reviewed by me in advance. During the follow-up I will explain your results and any subsequent recommendations to optimise your health journey

  • Perfect for queries and accountabilty

  • Item description
  • Bespoke recommendations for your health journey; all recommendations can be reviewed and updated as needed

  • Some of my favourite products for the body and home which have minimal endocrine disruptors to keep hormone balanced

  • My easy and quick go to meals


  • Ideally you would complete The Fertility Fundamentals at the start of your fertility journey and proceed with lots of incredible knowledge. 

    However, you can also begin in between cycles of fertility treatment. 

    I would suggest completing the testing during a break in between treatment cycles when your body is not under stress from fertility drugs or treatment, this will result in more accurate test results

  • Of course!

    Please refer to the Functional Testing page for more information, or email me if there is a specific test you are after that isn't listed

  • Most definitely! It’s a great idea to complete the same tests (where possible) to gain all of the incredible knowledge that the tests provide and resolve any underlying issues if present

  • The beauty of completing these tests is that they are done in the privacy of your own home on your schedule

  • All tests have shipping costs included within the listed price - there are no hidden costs! You will be provided with instructions for you to book a DHL courier to pick up the tests from your home and back to the lab at a time that suits you

    Please note that some tests are more stable than others, this may mean that you need to send some tests quickly, whereas others can remain in the fridge for a day or two

  • Each package is tailored specifically for each client - we will discuss the different tests available and how they are of benefit. We can definitely 'swap out' the DUTCH Plus to another test if needed

Unsure where to start?

Packages are tailored to your needs with additional testing, let’s start with an initial consultation to build your package