The Female Fundamentals



  • Education

    Learn about how your body works and how we can work it better. Educating you on the areas of nutrition, stress and lifestyle

  • Empowerment

    Being armed with more knowledge gives any woman the power she needs to make the right health decisions that are right for her, everyone is bio-individual.

  • Testing

    The DUTCH test really is the gold standard of hormone testing and ultimate hormones investigator! Get ready to learn about your body in detail that you simply do not get from a blood test

Who this package is for?

From late teens to menopausal The Female Fundamentals provides education, guidance and testing to build a solid foundation which is crucial to meeting any health goal - no matter what it is!

The Female Fundamentals can be tailored with additional testing, bespoke for each client, to cater for specific goals like improving gut health, investigating fatigue, uncovering nutritional deficiencies, food intolerances and skin issues as well as understanding your genetic coding!


Prices start from £749

Are you ready to optimise your health?

Packages are tailored to your needs with additional testing if required

Initial consultation required to determine client applicability before proceeding with package

  • Held on zoom

    Pre or post testing - whatever works best for you

  • Dried Urine Test for Comprehensive Hormones (DUTCH) really is the ultimate hormone detective! You will gain insights into your sex hormones, their metabolites, Estrogen detoxing, methylation, melatonin as well as your daily cortisol patterns. It gets better! It also provides organic acid bio-markers to uncover potential nutritional deficiencies, gut dysbiosis and neurotransmitter issues which impact our moods.

  • Your results are reviewed by me in advance. During the follow-up I will explain your results and any subsequent recommendations to optimise your health journey

  • Perfect for queries and accountability

  • I would love to help answer any queries relating to your health journey and provide as much context as possible. Let me know in advance of sessions if there is anything in particular you would love to know more about

  • Symptom tracking for us to gauge a pattern in symptoms and the improvements over time

  • Bespoke recommendations for your health journey; all recommendations can be reviewed and updated as needed

  • Some of my favourite products for the body and home which have minimal endocrine disruptors to keep hormone balanced

  • My easy and quick go to meals

  • Item description


  • Of course, additional tests can be added at any time based on the client goals.

    Individual test prices will be provided - interpretation add-on costs will be reduced when purchasing a package such as The Female Fundamentals

  • Item description
  • You can start whenever works for you, there are definitely benefits to working with a practitioner on nutrition in the months after birth however it may feel right for you to wait a little longer.

    Testing can begin once you have finished your breastfeeding era / your cycles have returned and you've had three normal (for you) cycles.

    Running any significant changes past your midwife or doctor is also recommended.

  • All tests have shipping costs included within the listed price - there are no hidden costs! You will be provided with instructions for you to book a DHL courier to pick up the tests from your home and back to the lab at a time that suits you

    Please note that some tests are more stable than others, this may mean that you need to send some tests quickly, whereas others can remain in the fridge for a day or twoItem description

  • The beauty of completing these tests is that they are done in the privacy of your own home on your schedule

Unsure where to start?

Packages are tailored to your needs with additional testing, let’s start with an initial consultation to build your package